Local Beekeepers Websites
Bedillion Honey Farm
1179 Burgettstown Road
Hickory, PA 15340
Phone: 1-724-356-7713
State Beekeepers Associations
American Beekeeping Federation
P.O. Box 1337,
Jessup, GA 31598
Phone: 912-427-4233
Fax: 912-427-8447
Email: info@ABFnet,org
Web: http://www.abfnet.org\
American Apitherapy Society
5535 Balboa Blvd., Suite 225, Encino, CA 91316
Phone: 818.501.0446
Fax: 818.995.9334
National Honey Board
390 Lashley St.,
Longmont, CO 80501-6045
Phone: (303) 776-2337
Fax: (303) 776-1177
http://www.nhb.org and http://www.honey.com
Industrial Directory
​Who’s Who in North American Beekeeping: List of and links to Beekeeping Associations, other organizations in the beekeeping industry in the United States and Canada http://www.beeculture.com/content/whoswho​
American Beekeeping Federation
P.O. Box 1337,
Jessup, GA 31598
Phone: 912-427-4233
Fax: 912-427-8447
Email: info@ABFnet,org
Web: http://www.abfnet.org\
American Apitherapy Society
5535 Balboa Blvd., Suite 225, Encino, CA 91316
Phone: 818.501.0446
Fax: 818.995.9334
National Honey Board
390 Lashley St., Longmont, CO 80501-6045
Phone: (303) 776-2337
Fax: (303) 776-1177
http://www.nhb.org and http://www.honey.com
International Bee Research Association
16 North Road, Cardiff CF10 3DY, UK
Phone: (+44) (0) 29 2037 2409
Fax: (+44) (0) 5601 135640
Email: mail@ibra.org.uk